Yes, this is the about section. But the truth is,

I’m about you.

I’m Michelle McIsaac,
your go-to digital cheerleader; Here to help you unlock your full potential and elevate your brand to new heights.

I'm a mother, blogger, host of GROWradio, the Podcast, Holistic Nutritionist and mentor for online practitioners, here to help you lift yourself and your body of work high above the blurry chaos of the virtual space. Because I know that when you're willing to stand beyond the crowd and truly lead yourself, your dream community will meet you there and whisper, "That's her."

I believe that your skillset can change the world, and that happens with far more ease when your audience is able to find you, understand the work that you do clearly, and actually SEE the possibility of their transformation within it.


This is where I come in.

It Wasn't Always This Easy For Me.

In fact, it wasn’t that long ago that I believed the kind of body of work I have today would be unavailable to someone like me.

It all started back in 2011, when I was in University studying to become a dietician. I decided to start a wellness blog called, "Glorious Eats" to share all that I was learning, while also having a goal to ultimately have nutrition education as part of our public school curriculum. Suddenly, I was being invited on to Television segments and to speak at business conferences, I was being tweeted by reality TV stars, and I was being asked, "OMG are you the girl from Glorious Eats?" on airplanes.

Little did I know that just one year later, my decision to launch that little-blog-that-could would land me a whopping 250,000 dedicated subscribers across the globe!

What seemed like an un-important investment into a $10 domain and a cheap wordpress blog became the very catalyst that led me here, into a body of work that has served tens of thousands of people in both their health, and in building their online wellness practice for more than a decade.

In 2012 and 3-years into my University degree, my boyfriend (who eventually became my husband) was posted halfway across the country from Nova Scotia, which had been my home for my entire life. We spent months trying to find a school that I could transfer to that was close to him with zero luck. Eventually, I made the difficult decision to press pause on my degree, and move with him anyway.

This led to several years of trying to make many other "jobs" fit, that never did. My first job in our new town  (the ONLY job I could find!) was slinging french fries at a local diner for $2 below minimum wage. I could find ZERO jobs in the Nutrition world, and I didn't yet have the awareness of how to turn my blog into my dream career. Despite Glorious Eats having built a massive readership in its first year, I found myself feeling like a phony.

I didn't yet know how to turn it into a career without the University degree I had been working toward on my wall. With a heavy heart, I shut down my blog without warning, and went offline completely.

4 years later and after buying our first home, and welcoming the sweetest baby boy into our lives (We call him "Bug" here in the online world), I stumbled upon an Instagram post where someone was talking about Holistic Nutrition. This was vastly different to what I was learning in dietetics a few years prior, but the ironic thing is, the premise behind Holistic Nutrition resonated with me 1,000X more than what I had studied in dietetics! On a whim, and with my sleeping baby in my arms, I applied for an online 2-year diploma program with NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition. I loved it so much that I finished their entire 2-year program in about 14 months, graduated, and launched my online practice right away.
What a trip!

In the early stages of launching my Holistic Nutrition practice, a mentor that I admired in the wellness space was in the midst of shutting down her company. She warned me of the challenges she faced, and she encouraged me to, “Get out while I still can.” I was shocked! And while her words certainly weren’t the encouraging ones I expected to hear in my first exciting and uncertain weeks in business, they didn’t stop me.

If anything, they were the fuel I needed to show myself it was absolutely possible to live a life on fire.

By my 2nd year in business, I had built a 100% virtual Holistic Nutrition practice, and others in the wellness space were beginning to take notice. I realized one afternoon that I was spending a LOT of time answering questions in my DMs about how I did it. Many of my colleagues wanted to know more about my marketing, social media, course development, personal branding and podcasting strategies, and with my colleague in mind who had shut down her business, I desperately wanted them to know it was possible for them to succeed (If I could do it, anyone could).

I decided, with a lump in my throat, to go completely beyond my comfort zone and develop a course for wellness entrepreneurs who were interested in learning how to create, launch, and market their own digital courses in just 40-days. I called it Pulse, because while creating a course was the object of the program, I also wanted to facilitate space for my clients to discover that the true PULSE of any business (in other words, the thing that keeps the blood pumping),  is actually the one who’s leading it.

Launching Pulse was SO scary, because I didn’t know what to expect, or whether my community would be confused, so this was WAY outside of what they were used to seeing!), yet to this day, Pulse continues to sell out before I even launch it!

This was a transformational moment in my career; One where I realized that while I've always LOVED helping people in my Holistic Nutrition practice, if I helped the people who were helping the people, the impact we could have together could be much, MUCH greater.

They say doing it scared is how we build the confidence to do it steady, and overcoming my fear of launching Pulse ultimately led to the development of Wild Woman, the Mastermind, Tempo: The Art of Speeding Up, List Builders Accelerator, The Abundance Code, Health Freedom 101 (my very own virtual summit), The WellandFree.Kids product line, and GROWradio, the Podcast which, combined with my Private Mentorship (and dozens of free trainings over the years) have served tens of thousands of families and practitioners around the globe.

And now, in 2024, I've found myself having the biggest full-circle moment of them all: 

After my marriage abruptly ended in 2021 and I found myself unexpectedly moving back to my hometown a few months later, I felt the pull to get back to my roots. I re-launched Detox 30, one of my most popular holistic nutrition programs alongside my dear friend, Dr. Katie Church, and we hosted it completely for FREE. One year later, I pulled all of my works together and launched, a brand new lifestyle blog, where I have an opportunity to remain fully immersed in the work that I'm most passionate about while continuing to serve wellpreneurs behind the scenes. From a $10 domain and a cheap Wordpress blog, to a thriving international lifestyle brand, with many peaks and valleys along the way.

Thank you so much for being here. If you're ready to leap out of auto-pilot and into your next level of impact, abundance, and personal growth, there's SO much here for you to explore. May it serve you well on your journey of leading as a heart-centred entrepreneur.
